Tom Mayock

Dr. Thomas Mayock is the Michael G. Miller Professor of Real Estate in the Blackwood Department of Real Estate. His research interests include real estate, urban economics, public economics and credit risk. Before joining Virginia Tech in the fall of 2023, Mayock was previously on the faculty at Montclair State University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He also served as a senior financial economist at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Tom has published 21 journal articles in a wide variety of journals including Real Estate Economics, the Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, the Journal of Urban Economics, and the Journal of Housing Economics.
- B.S., Economics, Pennsylvania State University
- Ph.D., Economics, Florida State University
- Mayock, T. and L. Shi., 2022. Adverse Selection in the Market for Mortgage Servicing Rights Journal of Housing Economics 58: 101858.
- Mayock, T. and K. Tzioumis, 2021. New Construction and Mortgage Default, Journal of Banking and Finance 133: 106276.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2019. Affordable Housing and the Socioeconomic Integration of Elementary Schools, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 58: 567-595.
- Li, P. and T. Mayock, 2019. Mortgage Characteristics and the Racial Incidence of Default, Journal of Housing Economics 46: 567-595.
- Glennon, D., Kiefer, H., and T. Mayock, 2018. Measurement Error in Residential Property Valuation: An Application of Forecast Combination, Journal of Housing Economics 41: 1-29.
- Mayock, T. and R. Spritzer Malacrida, 2018. Socioeconomic and Racial Disparities in the Financial Returns to Homeownership, Regional Science and Urban Economics 70: 80-96.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2018. School Segregation and the Foreclosure Crisis, Regional Science and Urban Economics 68: 277-290.
- Mayock, T, 2016. Wages, Housing Prices, and Commutes, Real Estate Economics 44(1): 258-300.
- Kiefer, H., Kiefer, L., and T. Mayock, 2016. Should We Fear the Shadow? House Prices, Shadow Inventory, and the Nascent Housing Recovery, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 52(3): 272-321.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2016. The Variance in Foreclosure Spillovers Across Neighborhood Types, Public Finance Review 44(1): 80-108.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2016.. The Impact of REO Sales on Neighborhoods and Their Residents, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 53(3): 282-324.
- Andersson, F. and T. Mayock, 2015. The Microdynamics of Household Credit Use through a Boom-Bust Cycle, Journal of Housing Economics 27: 22-36.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2015. Foreclosures and Local Government Budgets, Regional Science and Urban Economics 53: 135-147.
- Andersson, F. and T. Mayock, 2014. How Does Home Equity Affect Mobility?, Journal of Urban Economics 84: 23-39.
- Andersson, F. and T. Mayock, 2014. Loss Severities on Residential Real Estate during the Great Recession, Journal of Banking & Finance 46: 266-284 .
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2014. Housing Bubbles and Busts: The Role of Supply Elasticity, Land Economics 90(1): 79-99
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2012. Information, Search, and House Prices: Revisited, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 44(1-2): 90-115.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2010. Panel Data Estimates of the Effects of Different Types of Crime on Housing Prices, Regional Science and Urban Economics 40(2-3): 161-172.
- Cheung, R., Ihlanfeldt, K., and T. Mayock, 2009. The Regulatory Tax and House Price Appreciation in Florida, Journal of Housing Economics 18(1): 34-48.
- Cheung, R., Ihlanfeldt, K., and T. Mayock, 2009.. The Incidence of the Land Use Regulatory Tax, Real Estate Economics 37(4):675-704.
- Ihlanfeldt, K. and T. Mayock, 2009. Price Discrimination in the Housing Market, Journal of Urban Economics 66(2): 125-140.
- Real Estate Data Analysis
Overview of statistical analysis for use in the real estate market. Introduction of statistical tools and skills needed to draw conclusions from the data. Understanding data, coding and preparing the data, probability and inference, and special topics in inference including insights to inform ethical management and investment decisions.
- Commercial Real Estate Studio
Couse provides mock, real-world learning in a student-led, team environment. Teams utilize knowledge from prerequisite courses. Teams undertake year-long projects where they design, analyze site and financial feasibility, formulate construction plans, and execute leasing and sale of complex commercial real estate developments. Teams select projects in consultation with faculty and industry advisors. Work focuses on life cycle of real estate projects from design through sale of development. 4075: topics covered include team building, site/project selection, due diligence, initial site design and market analysis. 4076: topics covered include final site design, financing, construction, leasing and property management, and sale. For majors only, senior standing. Design/Lab Studio.