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Endowment Opportunities
Directors are the leaders responsible for maintaining and enhancing the quality of the programs they oversee. An endowed directorship provides discretionary funds to help a director realize his or her vision. Universities with endowed directorships have a significant advantage in recruiting or retaining the best possible directors.
Endowed faculty chair positions are a hallmark of academic quality and a means by which a university honors its most esteemed scholars and teachers – faculty members of national and international distinction. Chair positions help make it possible to recruit or retain scholars with exceptional, sustained records of achievement.
Endowed professorships recognize and reward exceptional faculty members. Because they are so highly prized within the educational industry, endowed professorships are a powerful tool for recruitment and retention.
This support fuels special projects within colleges or departments. Purchasing equipment, hiring research assistants, or traveling for research are examples of the types of initiatives this type of endowment helps to fund.
Advancing knowledge through research is a primary responsibility for a university. Senior faculty fellowships advance the work of tenured professors who are conducting significant investigations or working on books or major research papers.
Junior faculty fellowships support the research and teaching of untenured assistant or associate professors whose work shows remarkable potential. They encourage innovation in teaching and research, and help the university retain its most promising junior faculty members.
Scholarships sometimes make the difference in whether talented students can attend Virginia Tech. They also allow recipients to focus more exclusively on their schoolwork and to pursue extracurricular opportunities that lead to learning and personal growth. As a recruiting tool, scholarships help the university to attract outstanding individuals to campus.
“I support the Virginia Tech Program in Real Estate because I believe that general exposure to all of the disciplines involved in the commercial real estate industry gives individuals a head-start in the business and will be of great value to a prospective employer.”
William R. Elliott, Managing Partner, Medalist Properties
“In the Washington, D.C. region alone, tens of thousands of people are employed in real estate. The region is comprised of 465 million square feet of office buildings, 72 million square feet of retail properties, and 402,000 residential rental units and is expected to grow. The developing, operating, leasing, financing, and selling of these assets requires a broad skill set and some level of specialized training. The Virginia Tech Program in Real Estate will provide new graduates the required skill set and an increased network when entering today’s employment market.”
Collins Ege, Managing Director, Eastdil Secured