Research Publications
- 1. Nolte, Christoph, Kevin J. Boyle, Anita Chaudhry, Christopher Clapp, Dennis Guignet, Hannah Hennighausen, Ido Kushner, Yanjun Liao, Saleh Mamun, Adam Pollack, Jesse Richardson, Shelby Sundquist,Kristen Swedberg and Johannes H. Uhl. “Studying the impacts of environmental amenities and hazards with nationwide property data: best data practices for interpretable and reproducible analyses.” (
2. Li, Xiaoshu, Kevin J. Boyle, Evan L. Preisser, Thomas P. Holmes and David Orwig. “Property Value Effects of the Spatial Expansion of the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in New England, U.S.” Ecological Economics, Vol. 194 ().
- 3. Bishop, Kelly C., Nicolai V. Kuminoff, H. Spencer Banzhaf, Kevin J. Boyle, Kathrine von Gravenitz, Jaren C. Pope, V. Kerry Smith, and Christopher D. Timmins. 2020. “Best Practices in Using Hedonic Property Value Models to Measure Willingness to Pay for Environmental Quality.”
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 14 (2): 260–281. (
- 4. Weng, Weizhe, Kevin J. Boyle, Kaitlin J. Farrell, Cayelan C. Carey, Kelly M. Cobourn, Hilary A. Dugan, Paul C. Hanson, Nicole K. Ward, Kathleen C. Weathers. 2020. “Coupling Natural and Human Models in the Context of a Lake Ecosystem: Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA.” Ecological Economics, Vol. 169. (
- 5. Li, Xiaoshu, Thomas P. Holmes, Kevin J. Boyle, Ellen V. Crocker and C. Dana Nelson. 2019. Hedonic Analysis of Forest Pest Invasion: The Case of Emerald Ash Borer. Forests, Vol. 10 (9), 820. (
- 6. Boyle, Kevin J., Jessica A. Boatwright, Sreeya Brahma and Weibin Xu. 2019. “NIMBY, not, in Siting Community Wind Farms.” Resource and Energy Economics, Vol. 57: 85-104. (
- 7. Banerjee, Onil, Kevin J. Boyle, Cassandra T. Rogers, Janice Cumberbatch, Barbara Kanninen, Michele Lemay, and Maja Schiling. 2018. “Estimating benefits of investing in resilience of coastal infrastructure in small island developing states: An application to Barbados.” Marine Policy, Vol. 90: 78-87. (
- 8. Johnston, Robert J., Kevin J. Boyle, Wiktor Adamowicz, Jeff Bennett, Roy Brouwer, Trudy Ann Cameron, W. Michael Hanemann, Nick Hanley, Mandy Ryan, Riccardo Scarpa, Roger Tourangeau, Christian A. Vossler. 2017. “Contemporary Guidance for Stated Preference Studies.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol. 4 (2): 319-405. (
- 9. Sanderford, A.R., Read, D.C., Xu, W. and Boyle, K.J., 2017. “Obtaining Differentiation Premiums in the Presence of Fee Regulation in the Residential Real Estate Appraisal Industry.” Housing Policy Debate, Vol. 27, (5): 698-711. (
10. Siriwardena, Shyamani, Kevin J. Boyle, Thomas P. Holmes and P. Eric Wiseman. 2016. “The implicit value of tree cover in the U.S.: A meta-analysis of hedonic property value studies.” Ecological Economics, Vol. 128: 68-76. (
- 11. Cohen, Jed, Klaus Moeltner, Christine Blinn, Kevin J. Boyle and Thomas P. Holmes. 2016. “Hedonic Valuation with Translating Amenities: Mountain Pine Beetles and Host Trees in the Colorado Front Range.” Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 65 (3): 613-642.
- (
- 12. Yuan, Yuan, Kevin J. Boyle and Wen You. 2015. “Sample Selection, Individual Heterogeneity and Regional Heterogeneity in Valuing Farmland Conservation Easements.” Land Economics, Vol. 91 (4): 627-649. (
- 13. Dymond, Randy, Kevin J. Boyle, Yvan J. Beliveau, Rosemary Carucci Goss, Raman Kumar and P. Eric Wiseman. 2015. “Development of an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Program in Real Estate: Breaking Down University Silos.” Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, Vol. 18 (2):141-162. (
- 14. Tanellari, Eftila, Darrell Bosch, Kevin Boyle and Elton Mykerezi. 2015. “On consumers’ attitudes and willingness to pay for improved drinking water quality and infrastructure.” Water Resources Research, Vol. 51 91): 47-57. (
- 15. Zhang, Congwen, Kevin J. Boyle and Nicolai V. Kuminoff. 2015. “Partial Identification of Hedonic Demand Functions.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 71:180-197. (
- 16. Li, Xiaoshu, K. J. Boyle, Thomas P. Holmes, and Genevieve Pullis-LaRouche. 2014. The effect of on-site forest experience on stated preferences for low impact timber harvesting programs. Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 20 (4): 348-362. ( )
- 17. Boatwright, Jessica, Kurt Stephenson, Kevin Boyle, and Sara Nienow. 2014. “Stormwater Control Infrastructure and Residential Property Values.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 140 (4): 524-532. (
18. Kaul, Sapna, Kevin J. Boyle, Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Christopher F. Parmeter and Jaren C. Pope. 2013. “What Can We Learn from Benefit Transfer Errors? Evidence from 20 Years of Research on Convergent Validity.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 66 (1): 90-104. (
19. Boyle, Kevin J., Christopher C. Parmeter, Bent Boehlert, and Robert Paterson. 2013. “Due Diligence in Meta-Analyses to Support Benefit Transfers.” Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 55 (3): 357-386. (
- 20. Zhang, Congwen, and Kevin J. Boyle. 2010. “The Effect of an Aquatic Invasive Species (Eurasian Watermilfoil) on Lakefront Property Values.” Ecological Economics, Vol. 70 (2): 394-404. (
21. Boyle, Kevin J., Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Christopher F. Parmeter and Jaren C. Pope. 2010. “The Benefit Transfer Challenges.” Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol. 2: 161-182. (
- 22. Boyle, Kevin J., Nicolai Kuminoff, Congwen Zhang, Michael Devanney, and Kathleen P. Bell. 2010. "Does a Property-Specific Environmental Health Risk Create a 'Neighborhood' Housing-Price Stigma? Arsenic in Private Well Water." Water Resources Research, Vol. 46: W03507. (
- 23. Neumann, Bradley C., Kevin J Boyle and Kathleen P. Bell. 2009. “Property Price Effects of a National Wildlife Refuge: Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Massachusetts.” Land Use Policy, Vol. 26 (4): 1011-1019.
- 24. Sargent-Michaud, Jessica, Kevin J. Boyle, and Andrew E. Smith. 2006. “Cost Effective Arsenic Reductions in Private Wells.” Water Resources Bulletin. Vol. 42 (5): 237-245.
- 25. Boyle, Kevin, and Roy Bouchard. 2003. “Water Quality Effects on Property Prices in Northern New England.” Lakelines, Vol. 23 (3): 24-27.
- 26. Paterson, Robert W., and Kevin J. Boyle. 2002. “Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Using GIS to Incorporate Visibility in Hedonic Property Value Models.” Land Economics, Vol. 78 (3): 417-425.
- 27. Gibbs, Julie P., John M. Halstead, Kevin J. Boyle, and Ju-Chin Huang. 2002. “A Hedonic Analysis of the Effects of Lake Water Clarity on New Hampshire Lakefront Properties.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 31 (11): 39-46.
- 28. Poor, P. Joan, Kevin J. Boyle, Laura O. Taylor, and Roy Bouchard. 2001. “Objective versus Subjective Measures of Water Clarity in Hedonic Property Value Models.” Land Economics, Vol. 77 (4): 482-493.
- 29. Boyle, Kevin J., and Laura O. Taylor. 2001. “Does the Measurement of Property and Structural Characteristics Affect Estimated Implicit Prices for Environmental Amenities in a Hedonic Model?” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, Vol. 23 (2/3): 303-318.
- 30. Michael, Holly, J., Kevin J. Boyle, and Roy Bouchard. 2000. “Does the Measurement of Environmental Quality Affect Implicit Prices Estimated from Hedonic Models?” Land Economics, Vol. 76 (2): 283-298.
- 31. Boyle, Kevin J., P. Joan Poor, and Laura O. Taylor. 1999. “Estimating the Demand for Protecting Freshwater Lakes from Eutrophication.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 81 (5): 1118-1122.
- Robert, J. G., & O’Neill, J.W. (2021). Evaluating hotel time-to-delivery (TTD): Influencing factors and financial performance. Journal of Real Estate Literature, 29(1), 1-17.
- Robert, J. G. (2021). General liability insurance & crime scores: Caution advised for the multifamily property industry. Real Estate Issues, 45(5), 1-5.
- Robert, J. G., & Hanton, L. (2021). Collaborating with industry to improve undergraduate real estate education: Recommendations to enhance guest speaking activities. Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, 23(1), 10-19.
- Robert, J. G., & Zahirovic-Herbert, V. (2021). The influence of privately initiated rezoning on housing prices. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis.
- Read, D. C., Galford, G., & Robert, J. G. 2022. Resident service coordinators as an underutilized resource in the design and development of affordable housing, Journal of Community Practice, 30(2), 143-154.
- Robert, J. G. 2023. Note: A call for research into Low-Income Housing’s growing insurance problem. Journal of Housing, 32.
Against the background of an emerging rental affordability crisis, we examine how the standard rule that households should not spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing expenditures leads to inefficiencies in the context of federal low-income housing policy. We quantify how the current practice of locally indexing individual rent subsidies in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program regardless of quality-of-life conditions implicitly incentivizes recipients to live in high-amenity areas. We also assess a novel scenario for housing policy reform that adjusts subsidies by the amenity expenditures of low-income households, permitting national HCV program coverage to increase.
Click here to see the full report.
Five Cities Taking Steps to Improve Access and Availablility, Dustin Read, 2017
The relationship between rental housing affordability and the economic vitality of U.S. cities has emerged as an important topic of conversation in policy circles over the last decade because rental units are increasingly becoming the tenure choice of several important segments of the workforce. Low-wage workers, recent college graduates, and mobile professionals alike have all demonastrated a preference for this type of residence in recent years, leaving municipal policymakers ro wonder whether their housing stocks are diverse enough to satisfy the demands of each of these groups. The answer to this question appears to be "no" in many cases, as existing research indicates nearly half of the country's renters are housing cost burdened. This is problematic from an economic development stand point to the extent deficiencies in the supply of affordable rental housing prevent cities from attracting or retaining the human capital needed to acheive their full potential.
Click here to see the full report.
Real Estate Asset Management, Dustin Read, 2017
Asset Management is critically important to the success of many large real estate investors, yet it is often poorly understood by those working outside the field. Therefore, it is important to clarify the roles asset managers play in different types of organizations for a number of reasons:
Defining the unique body of knowledge required for success in real estateasset management can help establish it as a professional service, providing a status that will attract talent to the industry.
Understanding what is expected of real estate asset managers can help education providors better tailor their offerings to meet evolving industry needs.
Differentiating real estate asset management from property management in more clear and concrete terms can improve communication and understanding between these two groups.
Click here to see the full report.
Case Studies in Innovation District Planning and Development, Dustin Read, July 2016
Many municipal governments, real estate practitioners and nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S. have invested in the development of innovation districts in recent years to promote the formation and growth of knowledge-intensive businesses. This approach to economic development operates under the assumption that entrepreneurship and innovation can be stimulated by creating an environment that satisfies the space needs of companies in different lifecycle stages, while simultaneously encouraging their employees to engage in formal and informal interactions facilitating the exchange of ideas. Innovation district investments are expected to yield substantial returns in terms of economic diversification, job growth and the commercialization of new ideas in post-industrial cities, where competitive advantage often stems from product and process improvements made possible by collaboration.
Click here to see the full report.
2013 Virginia Residential Real Estate Appraiser Remuneration: Survey and Report
This report describes the results from a survey of Virginia real estate appraisers. The survey was conducted by the Virginia Center for Housing Research and the Blackwood Program in Real Estate in the spring of 2014 and focused on fees paid for residential real estate appraisals in Virginia in 2013. The survey was conducted in response to recent amendments to the Truth in Lending Act modified by the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (also known as Dodd-Frank) that require lenders to pay appraisers a “customary and reasonable fee” for residential appraisal services in their geographic market. Prior to the release of this report, no data existed that defined ‘customary and reasonable’ residential real estate appraisal fees in Virginia. Dodd-Frank suggests that university research can serve as the basis for establishing local market standards. The legislation defines a customary and reasonable fee as a fee that would be received for “comparable appraisal services performed in the geographic market of the property being appraised.”
Click here to see the full report.