Housing Matters Speaker Series by Future Housing Leaders Comes to the Virginia Tech Campus
November 8, 2018

On November 7th, 2018 members of Future Housing Leaders visited the Virginia Tech campus to interact with students. In the afternoon, they operated a booth in the Pamplin Atrium where they reviewed resumes and LinkedIn pages for students, and offered a free Panera Bread lunch to those who came up to the booth asking for help. Jodi Brockington, the Owner and CEO of NIARA Consulting, gave students “pro tips on how to showcase your best self.”
In the evening about 50 students attended the guest speaker event, where Stevynn Glass, Real Estate Manager at CBRE, outlined his path into the real estate industry in Bishop-Favrao Room 230. Future Housing Leaders sponsored Benny Marzano’s Pizza as well as some refreshments.
“Led by Fannie Mae, in partnership with the National Urban League, Future Housing Leaders helps college and university students from diverse backgrounds find positions with housing industry employers. Participating companies and organizations will offer paid internships with an eye towards full-time employment.
By supporting the recruitment of diverse, entry-level talent, we will strengthen the housing workforce and help our industry keep pace with the next generation of increasingly diverse renters and homeowners.” (https://www.futurehousingleaders.com/about)