Congratulations to The Program in Real Estate Award Recipients for Spring 2017
June 12, 2017
On April 23rd, 2017 students and Industry Advisory Board Members gathered at the Hyatt Place in Blacksburg, VA for dinner and the Spring 2017 Awards Ceremony. The Program in Real Estate would like to congratulate all Award Recipients for all of their hard work throughout their academic careers!

Brian Chan, Katie Fanady, Emma Hancock, Bennett Keene, Daryn Penoyar, Devan Perry, Ginny Richards, Adam Snyder, Maclean Trainor, and Carl Wilkinson all made Dean's List for the Fall 2016 semester. Dean’s list is awarded to undergraduate students with a semester GPA that exceeds a 3.4. We would like to congratulate all of you for your academic success during Fall semester.

Chloe Colvin, Areana Goodrum, Claire Park, Devan Perry, Catherine Ryckman, Selene Sobert, Justin Waddy, and Taylor Woodson serve as Ambassadors for the Program in Real Estate. In this role, they meet with prospective students and their families, as well as assist with program events such as representing the program at the Undergraduate Majors Fair, open houses for local industry professionals, and student networking workshops.

Students were offered the opportunity to receive ARGUS training this past winter semester, sponsored by Commonwealth Commercial. The Program in Real Estate would like to congratulate Matthew Cole, Chloe Colvin, Conner Fox, Maximillian Hoffman, James Koerber, Connor Martz, Caitlin McCain, Michael Moolhuyzen, Cameron Norris, Claire Park, Gordon Trainor, Josie Twomey, and Taylor Woodson for completing this training. Additionally, Caitlin McCain and Taylor Woodson have passed the ARGUS certification exam.

Matthew Cole, James Koerber, Cameron Norris, and Josie Twomey were 2017 ARGUS University Challenge Participants. In this challenge students compete with students from around the globe in a mock real estate investment using ARGUS to analyze investment alternatives.

The recipients of the Francis H. Chaney II Scholarship for Sustainably Use Study were Brianna Dildy and Justin Waddy. Thank you to Frank Chaney for making this Scholarship a possibility.

Justin Daves, Areana Goodrum, Katie Fanady, Bennett Keene, Ryan Worzel, Ginny Richards, Thoqeer Sharieff, Justin Waddy, Briana Dildy, Jacob Gaddis, and Caroline Blackmore were the recipients of the Virginia Tech Program in Real Estate Scholarship. These students were chosen by the faculty to receive this scholarship. Scholarships were awarded based on academic achievement, university involvement, as well as involvement in the Program in Real Estate.

The Outstanding Student Leader Award is given to a senior Real Estate Major or Minor who has shown exemplary service to the Program in Real Estate through leadership in the classroom and throughout the Virginia Tech community during their undergraduate career. This year it was awarded to Devan Perry.
Devan is a student member of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Commercial Real Estate Women Network (CREW), the Real Estate Club, the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), a peer-mentor for the Program in Real Estate, as well as, an ambassador for the program for the last two years. She is an outstanding role model for all of her peers, displaying a hard work ethic, thoughtfulness, and leadership within the classroom and throughout the Virginia Tech community. Devan is always enthusiastic about helping the Program in real estate when needed.
The Outstanding Senior Award is given to a real estate major displaying exceptional and balanced achievement in academics, leadership, and service during their undergraduate career. This year, The Program in Real Estate gave this award to two students, Caitlin McCain and Matt Cole.

Caitlin has had extensive internships throughout her college career with United Dominion Realty, Camden Property Trust and W.R. McCain & Associates. She has represented the program well by being an outstanding student and a thoughtful and charismatic leader in the community. She has served as a peer mentor for first-year students in the program. Caitlin served as the Vice President and Career Fair Coordinator for the Property Management Association at Virginia Tech.

During summer of 2016, Matt interned through the 8-week Wheel Program for the CBRE. Matt has worked as a Global Forum Teaching and Research Assistant at Virginia Tech, and helped lead the Management Consulting Student Team at Virginia Tech. In 2016, he was an invitee to the Villanova Real Estate Competition and participated in the ARGUS University Competition in 2017. In addition to his outstanding service to the Program in Real Estate and the Virginia Tech community, Matt is involved with his fraternity Kappa Alpha Order where he organized the first ever Operation Crimson Gift at Virginia Tech, which is a campus-wide blood drive supporting Virginia Blood Services. Matt is also a member of the Real Estate Club. He enjoys volunteering for the Red Cross, Relay for Life, and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Matt will be pursuing his Master of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Business Analytics here at Virginia Tech.

The Program in Real Estate would like to recognize Eric Wiseman for his exemplary service and contributing to the founding of the program. Eric is a faculty member in the College of Natural Resources and Environment. Eric was a member of the faculty task force that designed the Program in Real Estate and currently serves on the faculty Steering Committee. Eric is stepping down from the faculty Steering Committee and we want to express a sincere thank you for his many contributions. Eric’s welcoming demeanor and attention to detail, while keeping an eye on the big picture, was a fundamental contribution to the team. The Program in Real Estate owes a good part of the initial success to his dedicated contributions.

The Program in Real Estate would like to recognize Michael Miller, an industry advisory board member for exemplary service to the program. Mike is an Executive Managing Director, Mid-Atlantic with Colliers International. He previously founded and was President of Miller Valuation, Inc. The program faculty would like to recognize Mike for his efforts to establish an academic program in real estate at Virginia Tech. Mike has a long-standing relationship with Dr. Geyer who teaches Real Estate Appraisal and Real Estate law. It was Mike asking the question of “why doesn’t VT offer a real estate degree” and his connections as a former member of the Board of Visitors that initiated the effort to establish the Program in Real Estate.
Congratulations to all of our recipients! The Virginia Tech Program in Real Estate appreciates all of your hard work and accomplishments, and would like to wish you luck in your future endevors!